The Learner Dashboard

How to use your dashboard

Dashboard Page

The Dashboard is where you’ll do all of your Mursion work. Here you’ll be able to see the most important items at the top of the page, all your upcoming and past sessions.

  1. Scenarios to Schedule - In this carousel, you’ll be able to click through session cards for available sessions that you haven’t yet scheduled. Once you’re caught up, it’ll disappear.
    1. View - Click to view session details (synopsis of simulation experience)
    2. Schedule - Click to Schedule a session
    3. Next - Click to cycle through available session cards

2. Upcoming Sessions
- This is a list of all your upcoming scheduled sessions. Here you’ll be able to view session details, reschedule, cancel, or generate a reminder for your own calendar. 
    1. View - Click to view session details (synopsis of simulation experience)
    2. Reschedule - Click to Reschedule this session
    3. Add to Calendar - Click to generate a calendar invite for your session
    4. Cancel - Click to cancel your session
    5. Expand - Click the arrow to expand or collapse the view of the day’s sessions
3. Completed Sessions - In this section, you’ll be able to see your past sessions, view session reports, and, if available, the video recording of your session.
    1. Click View All to view all past sessions. 
    2. Click View Report to view session reports, recordings, and voice analytics (if available). 
4. Join Session Bar
- At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a Join Session bar if you have a session starting soon. 
    1. Click Join Session to jump to your session.

Scenario Page

We’re also updating scenario pages to be more informative and readable. 

1. Simulation Details - At the top of the screen is some logistical information about your scenario. 
    1. Schedule Button - Click to schedule this scenario
    2. Date Range - Displays available date range to schedule this scenario (including how many times you can take the scenario)
    3. Session Length - time in minutes allotted to this scenario
    4. Delivery Mode - Tells you if it’s a one-on-one or group session

2. Scenario Details 
    1. Scenario Description - A summary of the scenario
    2. Outcome - Lists the desired goal of the simulation, i.e. what skills you’ll be practicing
    3. Strategies- Ways to accomplish the simulation goals

3. Scenario Preview
- Example images of the scenario environment, so you know what to expect when you join the session


4. Scenario Documents - These documents are specific to the scenario. It’s best to download and review these prior to the session.